Join the Missional Network!

Connecting people to people and ministries to ministries.

Why the Missional Network?

Attend events and gatherings, and lend your time, talent, and treasure so we can all find comfort, encouragement, and joy in our journey of faith! We bring together Christians in times of celebration and hardship to to build community and interconnectedness. Here is where each ministry, and person, brings their unique purpose that collectively works together as the body of Christ. 

The Results You'll Get

Our community, courses, and events are pretty special. We’re focused on community building that will make a real difference in your life.

Here are a few of the things you’ll be able to do as a member of Mission On Point:

  • Elevate your spiritual journey by engaging in meaningful discussions and sharing experiences with fellow Christians.
  • Attend community gatherings and events IN REAL LIFE that will lead to genuine friendships and personal growth.
  • Experience joy and celebration during life's triumphs, appreciating your blessings with others who share your faith.

When You Join Today (for free!)

When you join the Missional Network, you’ll get access to our:

  • Learning Center: Engage in our collection of interactive video courses that delve into the various aspects of the Christian faith. By actively participating in these, you will foster a deeper understanding of the Word, which serves to strengthen your personal relationship with Christ.
  • Community Building: Participate in Godly community, IN REAL LIFE, with easy access to interactive chat online where members can share prayer requests and offer support to one another. This offers an opportunity to bond and empathize with other community members while reinforcing shared beliefs and values.
  • Faith-based Events: Attend our regular community events such as charity drives, scripture discussion sessions, and worship nights. These events encourage a sense of camaraderie among members, allows opportunities for service, and helps build stronger ties within the community while practicing Christian principles.

After all, we are all called to love God with all our hearts, all our souls and all our minds. And we shall love our neighbor as ourself. This is the reason this space, Mission On Point, exists; to unite us as the body of Christ, across all walks of life, churches, and groups, so we can bring the kingdom of heaven here to earth. 

Expert Tip: The website is GREAT on the computer, but if you are using your phone, we highly encourage you to download the app for a 10x improvement in user experience!